Flipster - Peppermint Green
ATH Þessi vara er ekki til á lager hjá okkur og þarf að sérpanta. Við opnum fyrir forsölu á vörunni reglulega þegar von er á næstu sendingu frá Wigiwama.
Næsta sending er væntanleg í byrjun Apríl.
Hægt er að panta þessa vöru til 7. mars.
Við erum með flestar vörur til sýnis í verslun okkar Tónahvarfi 10, 203 Kópavogi.
Ef þú ert með einhverjar spurningar endilega sendu okkur línu á miniplay@miniplay.is.
Wigiwama Flipster - an upgraded version of the Flip Chair, now bigger, more functional, and suitable for both kids and adults.
Lightweight and Kid-Friendly
Independence starts here! The Flipster is light enough for kids to move and rearrange it on their own, empowering them to create their own little worlds while fostering confidence and creativity.
Built to Last
The Flipster is crafted from high-quality, resilient foam that maintains its shape after countless flips, flops, and jumps. Wrapped in a removable and washable soft cover, it is both pleasant to the touch and practical for everyday messes.
A Stylish Accent for Any Home
Good taste starts young! Whether placed in a playroom, bedroom, or living area, it blends seamlessly into your interior and proves that children's furniture can be both fun and aesthetically pleasing.
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