Pikler Klifurþríhyrningur stillanleg hæð + rennibraut

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This limited edition adjustable height climbing triangle is a versatile and functional play item that enhances your child's development. The frame encourages physical activity and exploration and fosters essential motor skills, spatial awareness, and cognitive development in a safe and engaging manner. 

Crafted from durable materials this indoor climbing toy stands as a pinnacle of quality and craftsmanship. The additional ramp has ladder bars on one side and a slide with a smooth surface on the other side. The ramp invites children to climb, explore, and unleash their imagination by rolling balls, cars, or any objects they envision.

Offering two adjustable height options, this climbing triangle caters to both infants and active toddlers, providing an adaptable and engaging play experience. The triangle's design allows for effortless storage, offering convenience when your child is occupied with other toys that require space.

  • Encourages physical activity and exploration, and fosters essential motor skills, spatial awareness, and cognitive development in a safe and engaging manner.
  • Compact to store.
  • Two heights.
  • Durable materials.
  • The double-sided ramp is included in the set.
  • Safety straps are included in the package.

Viltu bæta við:


- Aldur: Hentar frá 6 mánaða aldri
- Þyngdartakmark: allt að 50kg
- Hægt að fella saman til að auðvelda geymslu
- Efni: FSC sjálfbær viður og CE vottaður
- Hágæða vatnsbundið lakk og málning
- Ítarlegar leiðbeiningar og verkfæri til samsetningar fylgja með
- TRIANGLE Length 78 cm / 30.71 inch - Width 81 cm / 31.88 inch - Height 64 cm / 25.19 inch
- RAMP Length 100 cm / 39.37 inch - Width 33 cm / 12.99 inch
- Öryggisól fylgir með